Tide Wave Radio hosts a mix of music, sound and spoken word with artists from around the globe. Artists include;
Alinah Azadeh, Brass Bathtub, Chris Biddlecombe and David Trouton, Louis Billette, Ross Birrell, CiCi Blumstein, David Bramwell, Ronan Breslin, Chop Chop, Rachel Cohen, Colin Chapman, The Copper Family, Alan Currall, Sarah Delmonte, Marion Deprez, Dr Chris Dooks, Sara Evelyn, James Foz Foster, History of Concrete, The Kites, Sukaina Kubba, Laura Lourd, Tim Harbridge, Mark Hewitt, Pam Hewitt, Matt Hulse, Stephen Hurrel, Yael Karavan, Selma Makela, Craig Mulholland, Dave Noble, Micheál O’Connell, Jane Pitt, Guyan Porter, Jane E Porter, Phil Rose, Noah Rose, Beagles and Ramsay, Matt Rutkin, Ross Sinclair, Susan Sloan, Alistair Strachan, Xelis De Toro